Sunday, 20 October 2013

Kelsey and Samantha share their experiences in the Living Diversity Club

Jien jismni Kelsey Alakkad u s-sena l-oħra hadt sehem fil-grupp tal-‘Living Diversity’.  Ħadna ħafna gost ilkoll flimkien, speċjalment meta kellna xi attivita’.  Aħna tgħallimna dwar ħafna pajjiżi u kulturi differenti.  Dan jghinna biex insiru iktar tolleranti lejn xulxin.  Aħna lgħabna logħba tal-Filippini, sajjarna ħafna ikel minn tradizzjonijiet oħra, għamilna bazaar fuq l-ikel u wkoll morna ‘Chinese Garden’ u għamilna attivita’ hemmhekk.  Darba għamilna reċta u għamilnieha quddiem sħabna.  Morna wkoll l-Universita’ għax kien hemm ġurnata ddedikata għal Kuwait.  Din l-espeprjenza qatt ma ninsiha għax doqna l-ikel tagħhom, ilbisna l-ilbies u l-ġojjellerija u xi ftit minna għamlu l- ‘hennah’.  Din hija zebgħa ta kulur kannella fl-aħmar u tintuża biex jagħmlu disinnji fuq il-ġilda, din mhix permanenti bħal tattoo imma wara xi gimagħtejn titlaq.  Dan il-grupp ser jerġa jibda jiltaqa’ u nħeġiġkom li tiġu.

Hi I am Samantha Seychell and I want to tell you about our club ‘Living Diversity’.  In the Living Diversity we learn about different cultures and how to interact with people from different backgrounds.  Even though some of us are from different countries with different cultures it does not mean that we can’t be friends.
The club does lots of activities.  For example when we went to the University of Malta and some girls got their name written in Arabic on their hand with henna (it is like a tatoo but it goes away).  Also as another activity we went to the Chinese Garden and we looked at the Chinese architecture and ran around the place.

We have lots of fun in living diversity and we look forward for new members in our club.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

End of Year Celebration - The Couscous Salad

In our couscous salad each student added a different ingredient to the bowl.  Similarly, in our school each student brings her own cultural heritage into the school community.  The ‘Living Diversity’ encourages students to preserve their own identities while respecting the cultures of others; this enables us to exist alongside each other in harmony.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Diversity Seminar - Form 2 students

The Living Diversity Group together with the four main speakers of the Diversity Seminar

                      Ms. Amy Camilleri Zahra from Kummissjoni Persuni B’Dizabilita’

Ms. Romina Bugeja from the Islamic Centre

                     Mr. Mario Gerada from the Drachma, Catholic group for LGBT

Mr. Goitom Yosief from JRS